Hello, blog friends!
I don’t think the beginning of the school year craziness has stopped for me quite yet. I feel as though I have a ton of things going on at all times. Anyone else feel like this?
One of the things I have been loving though is focusing simply on literacy and social studies. I had a student come to me the other day and tell me how much he loved social studies now! This made my day. When I was growing up, social studies wasn’t my thing. With that in mind, I’m happy to make it engaging now, to ensure my students find a passion for history.
At the TPT conference this summer, I was able to meet Danielle Knight from Study All Knight. She was kind enough to share one of her products that goes along with my Native American unit. It worked perfectly with a unit that I am in the middle of creating. (stand by for that one…) I have set up my unit as a passport around the US discovering all the regions of Native Americans. I am using the 5E set up for my lesson plans. Danielle’s product worked perfectly for the engage part of the beginning of this unit. It allowed the students to become engaged about the topic, and who doesn’t love a craft? Check it out!